Thursday 12 December 2013

Why I'm thankful for 2013

I'm thankful for 2013 in two ways.

Firstly: I know I'm not the same person I was when the year started.

I went into this year with completely different dreams than what I hold in my heart now, and I'm grateful for that. I've learnt that it doesn't matter what happens to me, as long as Jesus is happening in me. I was shown the joy of friendship, the pain of heartbreaks, and the fullness God brings to lives who reach out to Him. I now have a new focus and a new drive for next year. I walk in expectation for next year, filled with questions, and a heart to give the first year of my degree with everything I have. I found that when I thought God had abandoned me when the course I had set my heart on was cancelled, but it turned out that not only was I right where He needed me to be, but He had a better plan than the one I had. Funny that.
I applied for a Diploma in Enrolled Nursing course in Wellington for July this year, but due to low funding, the course was postponed to the new year. That was God closing the door on that one. Although, I must admit, I felt very alone at that time in my life; it was a big fat no and I didn't know where to turn. Well, I did but it took a few tears to reach out. Little did I know then that God was bringing me to a place He'd already planned before time was spoken into creation.
I signed up to a certificate course to fill in time and reapplied for the EN course. Its crazy how God works aint it? My tutor encouraged me to apply for the Bachelor of Nursing, and although I'd been told to do the course many, many times, hearing it from my tutor changed something in me and a new outlook was planted in my mind. Within two weeks of applying, I was accepted. Woah!
I couldn't think of anything more I'd rather dedicate my heart to next year and I know it will be hard but I'm ready.

Secondly: I know that when I start my adventures next year, I won't be the same person I am now, at the end of next year. I don't fully know what next year will bring but I know that the person I am today, will be challenged, stretched, inspired, and bent, but I won't let go of my values and morals. '

What are you thankful for from this year?

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